What to do if you have been a victim of Identity Theft
Get your free credit reports from annualcreditreport.com. Check your report for accounts or charges you don’t recognize. Consider placing a freeze. A credit freeze makes it harder for someone to open a new account in your name. If you decide not to place a credit freeze, at least consider placing a fraud alert.” File your…
Why having a succession plan makes sense?
Having a succession plan is important for the continued success of any organization because your workforce is constantly changing. Top leaders may leave or retire, or you may be ready to sell or turn the business over to someone else. Evaluate your structure regularly to make sure it can handle your workload. Use your succession…
The 5 Key Personality Traits of a Successful Leader by Carl Brown
There have been thousands of books written about leadership, and what makes a leader. Some say leaders are born, not made. Others would argue that leadership is a skill that can be developed. Leadership requires so many characteristics, as well as a commitment to continued growth; but what are the characteristics that make a great…
Giving Referrals Is A Good Thing
By Dr. Sinclair N. Grey III How do you feel when someone gives you a referral? If you’re like me, you’re overjoyed because it saves you money on marketing and advertising. As the saying goes, ‘word of mouth is the best marketing tool.’ Getting a referral helps to ease the sales process because you’re coming…
10 Ways Small Business Marketers Can Crush Big Competitors
So how can you do it? How can you, the little guy, see wins in the search engines, in your lead flow, and in your revenue stream when faced with these giant competitors? With dedication to consistently following these 10 tips, you’ll come out on top with the kinds of big industry wins that you…
6 Time-Saving Tools to Streamline Your Business Operations
Whether you’re a solo entrepreneur (solopreneur) or you have a full team, running your own business can sometimes seem like a never-ending cycle of documents, tasks and communications. Thankfully, there are tools available for almost anything you can imagine — and business operations are not an exception. Here are seven simple and proven tools that…
Don’t Sell Yourself Short: 3 Common Invoicing Mistakes
If you’re making these common invoicing mistakes, you can correct them quickly. A business is nothing without income. That might go without saying — but many business owners spend so much time focused on finding new opportunities and doing daily tasks that they lose sight of the most important parts of generating income: the invoicing….
5 ways technology can help your small business grow
Many people assume that only big, international companies can gain something from new technologies. But in reality, even a small business can find the right solution to grow and expand into new markets. It could even be easier than you might think. After all, most of us use the internet all the time in our…