What to do if you have been a victim of Identity Theft

Get your free credit reports from annualcreditreport.com. Check your report for accounts or charges you don’t recognize. Consider placing a freeze. A credit freeze makes it harder for someone to open a new account in your name. If you decide not to place a credit freeze, at least consider placing a fraud alert.” File your […]
Why having a succession plan makes sense?

Having a succession plan is important for the continued success of any organization because your workforce is constantly changing. Top leaders may leave or retire, or you may be ready to sell or turn the business over to someone else. Evaluate your structure regularly to make sure it can handle your workload. Use your succession […]
The 5 Key Personality Traits of a Successful Leader by Carl Brown

There have been thousands of books written about leadership, and what makes a leader. Some say leaders are born, not made. Others would argue that leadership is a skill that can be developed. Leadership requires so many characteristics, as well as a commitment to continued growth; but what are the characteristics that make a great […]
Giving Referrals Is A Good Thing

By Dr. Sinclair N. Grey III How do you feel when someone gives you a referral? If you’re like me, you’re overjoyed because it saves you money on marketing and advertising. As the saying goes, ‘word of mouth is the best marketing tool.’ Getting a referral helps to ease the sales process because you’re coming […]
5 ways technology can help your small business grow

Many people assume that only big, international companies can gain something from new technologies. But in reality, even a small business can find the right solution to grow and expand into new markets. It could even be easier than you might think. After all, most of us use the internet all the time in our […]
Let’s Talk About Marketing To Women

Beyonce once asked, “who runs the world?” And answered with, “Girls!” Given that women influence over 83% of all consumer spending in the United States, we wouldn’t say she’s wrong. So let’s kick off Women’s History Month by opening up a dialogue about connecting with and marketing to women. The conversation has come a long […]
Grow your business by teaming up with a high-profile talent or local celebrity

Joining forces with a celebrity or other high-profile individual to help promote products or services is an attractive choice for small business owners looking to break into new markets or dig deeper into their existing niches. Celebrity is, in fact, a very powerful currency. Being famous for fame’s sake has value in today’s society. Even […]
Business Incubators Can Offer Turnaround Solutions for Struggling Start-Ups

Many business start-ups know how to do the work, but face trouble because they lack the skills necessary for operating a successful business and managing its costs. By taking advantage of local business incubators, entrepreneurs can benefit from professional mentors who provide management guidance, technical assistance, and professional consulting to help young companies in trouble. […]
Beat Back Business Owner Burnout

It’s almost inevitable to suffer from burnout if you’re a business owner and living in our hectic 24-7 culture. However, even with a super-busy schedule, you can bypass burnout and keep joy and energy in your life. Most business owners (and people in general) are ripe for burnout when they have difficulty seeing beyond their […]
Cyber-Safe Success: 5 Essential Tips to Protect Your Business from Hackers

Implement Strong Password Policies Keep Antivirus Software Updated Train Employees in Cybersecurity Awareness Back Up Data Regularly Use Secure Networks and Devices Protecting your small business from cybersecurity threats is essential. 5 Essential Tips to Protect Your Business from Hackers Implement Strong Password Policies Action: Require employees to use complex passwords (a mix of letters, […]